Member Allowances Paid to Authority Members

Member Allowances Paid to Authority Members

The Authority makes payments to the 12 elected members of the Authority in accordance with the Members Allowances Scheme that is set out in Part 6 to the Constitution.

In summary, each elected member of the Authority receives a basic allowance, and travel and subsistence allowances are payable where expenditure has necessarily been incurred in the performance of an approved duty. Additional allowances are paid to reflect special responsibilities of the Chair, the Vice Chair and Section 41 Spokespersons.

Surname Forename Special Responsibility Basic Allowance Special Responsibility Allowance Travel/ Subsistence Expenses Total
Bowser Roy 4,554.00 0.00 100.00 4,654.00
Clement-Jones Simon 4,554.00 0.00 225.45 4,779.45
Cox Steve 4,554.00 0.00 0.00 4,554.00
Curran Benjamin 815.73 0.00 0.00 815.73
Dimond Alexi James 4,554.00 0.00 36.00 4,590.00
Dunn Jayne Patricia Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 3,706.45 6,043.26 315.50 10,065.21
Fisher David 4,554.00 0.00 100.00 4,654.00
Gamble-Pugh Craig 3,706.45 0.00 0.00 3,706.45
Havard Marnie Vice Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 4,443.82 2,238.07 35.10 6,716.99
Mounsey John S.41 Spokesperson 4,554.00 2,063.79 0.00 6,617.79
Nevett David 4,554.00 156.33 225.10 4,935.43
Sangar Andrew 4,554.00 0.00 127.65 4,681.65
Stowe Mick S.41 Spokesperson 4,554.00 837.69 100.00 5,491.69
Weatherall Garry Vice Chair & S.41 Spokesperson (to June 2023) 815.73 472.35 70.20 1,358.28
54,474.18 11,811.49 1,335.00 67,620.67

Surname Forename Special Responsibility Basic Allowance Special Responsibility Allowance Travel/ Subsistence Expenses Total
Belbin Frances 554.81 0.00 0.00 554.81
Bowser Roy 3,793.89 0.00 100.00 3,893.89
Clement-Jones Simon 4,383.00 0.00 113.40 4,496.40
Cox Steve 4,383.00 0.00 0.00 4,383.00
Curran Benjamin 3,817.45 0.00 0.00 3,817.45
Dimond Alexi James 3,817.45 0.00 22.50 3,839.95
Fisher David 4,383.00 0.00 100.00 4,483.00
Havard Marnie S.41 Spokesperson 4,383.00 807.00 0.00 5,190.00
Mounsey John Chair 4,383.00 7,149.00 230.40 11,762.40
Nevett David S.41 Spokesperson 4,383.00 807.00 278.20 5,468.20
Rosling-Josephs Chris 441.58 0.00 20.70 462.28
Sangar Andrew 4,383.00 0.00 100.00 4,483.00
Stowe Mick S.41 Spokesperson 4,383.00 807.00 100.00 5,290.00
Weatherall Garry Vice Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 4,383.00 2,538.00 109.20 7,030.20
Wright Neil 441.58 0.00 0.00 441.58
52,313.76 12,108.00 1,174.40 65,596.16

Surname Forename Special Responsibility Basic Allowance Special Responsibility Allowance Travel/ Subsistence Expenses Total
Atkin Alan S.41 Spokesperson (to May 2021) 645.48 118.83 0.00 764.31
Belbin Frances 2,049.39 0.00 0.00 2,049.39
Clement-Jones Simon 3,589.26 0.00 67.50 3,656.76
Cox Steve 4,212.00 0.00 0.00 4,212.00
Fisher David 3,404.70 0.00 0.00 3,404.70
Gilliver John 445.16 0.00 0.00 445.16
Havard Marnie S.41 Spokesperson 3,555.29 628.08 39.60 4,222.97
Law Alan Vice Chair (to Oct 2021) 1,380.00 485.63 0.00 1,865.63
Mounsey John Chair 4,212.00 6,023.16 93.62 10,328.78
Murphy Anne 618.97 0.00 0.00 618.97
Nevett David S.41 Spokesperson 3,589.26 628.08 179.12 4,396.46
Rosling-Josephs Chris 4,212.00 0.00 261.42 4,473.42
Sangar Andrew 4,212.00 0.00 93.62 4,305.62
Stowe Mick S.41 Spokesperson 4,212.00 1,945.41 0.00 6,157.41
Teal Alison 618.97 0.00 0.00 618.97
Weatherall Garry Vice Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 3,091.06 1,186.71 93.62 4,371.39
Wright Neil 4,212.00 0.00 0.00 4,212.00
Yasseen Taiba 793.50 0.00 0.00 793.50
49,053.04 11,015.90 828.50 60,897.44

Surname Forename Special Responsibility Basic Allowance Special Responsibility Allowance Travel/ Subsistence Expenses Total
Atkin Alan S.41 Spokesperson 4,140.00 762.00 4,902.00
Cox Steve 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Gilliver John 2,139.00 0.00 2,139.00
Law Alan S.41 Spokesperson 4,140.00 762.00 4,902.00
Mounsey John Vice Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 4,140.00 2,397.00 6,537.00
Murphy Anne 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Rosling-Josephs Chris 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Sangar Andrew 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Stowe Mick Chair & S.41 Spokesperson 4,140.00 6,753.00 10,893.00
Teal Alison 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Wray Paul 2,001.00 0.00 2,001.00
Wright Neil 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
Yasseen Taiba 4,140.00 0.00 4,140.00
49,680.00 10,674.00 0.00 60,354.00


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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