Useful scheme information

Useful scheme information

What kind of scheme is the LGPS?

The LGPS is a tax approved, defined benefits (CARE with Final Salary legacy protections occupational pension scheme.

The LGPS was contracted out of the State Second Pension Scheme (S2P) until 5 April 2016; from 6 April 2016 the contracted out status ceased to exist for all pension schemes due to the introduction of the single State pension. The LGPS meets the government standards under the automatic enrolment provisions of the Pension Act 2008.

Pension Scheme Tax Reference (PSTR)

This reference is allocated by the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

SYPA unique PSTR is 00329711RN

Pension Scheme Registry Number (PSRN)

The PSRN is allocated to the scheme by the Pension Regulator.

SYPA unique number is 10165252

Employers Contracting Out Number (ECON)

This number was only needed prior to April 2016 for contract our pension schemes

SYPA reference was E3900002R

Employer contribution pay bands from April 2023

The rate of contributions a member will l pay is based on how much they are paid. When they join, and every April afterwards, employer determine the contribution rate. If a member has more than one job their contribution rate will be determined separately for each job. If their pay changes throughout the year, their employer may decide to review your contribution rate at that time, rather than wait until the following April.

To view the member contribution rates, please view the To view the member contribution rates, please view the Contribution Pay Bands page

Alternatively, you can access the member contribution rate calculator by visiting the LGPS Member - Contribution Calculator opens in new window


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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