employerHub Workfeed

This site is for employers

Work feed

The Work Feed icon on your dashboard will give you access to your individual work tray and at least one group tray.

Step 1: On your home page dashboard, select Work Feed

The employerHub Dashboard menu

From here, you can choose whether you want to view your own work select My Work, or look at an employers work feed you have access to by selecting (employer name). You can also choose to view multiple work feeds by selecting more check boxes.

Work Feed options

Your Work Feed will display the queries that need to be actioned.

Work Feed My Tray

Step 1: Select the name of your employer under OPTIONS This will then display your queries:

Work Feed options

Step 2: To access the query, you must reassign this to yourself by ticking the query on the far right-hand side and selecting Reassign from the above ACTIONS section.

Work Feed tick options

You can reassign a query to another user in your organisation by following the steps below.

  1. Select the query you want to reassign and tick the relevant box on the right.
  2. Select reassign. This will provide a list of users that the query can be reassigned to.
  3. Select the user you need. The Query will then be reassigned to that user and be visible in their work feed, ready for them to work on.

Use the ‘order by’ and ‘filter by’ options to sort actions that are either High/standard priority, or by due date.

Work Feed options

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if a query has been reassigned to you in error, you can either reassign this back to the employer group or to another user.


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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