Who we are
How we operate
Freedom of Information Our Customer Charter Pensions Policies Selling to us
How we are governed
Pensions Authority
Local Pension Board
Working for us
All members
Active members
Deferred members
Responsible Investment
Employer Support
Employer Engagement
Employer Sites
Employer Web
ill Health
McCloud Judgement
The links to rewatch all of the hybrid sessions will be added once they have taken place. Please feel free to share with friends and colleagues who may have missed out.
Ideal for members new to the Local Government Pension Scheme, covering how and when benefits are paid, combining previous pension rights, setting up an online mypension account, and understanding Annual Benefit Statements
Tailored for members in their late 30s to mid-50s, covering ways to boost pensions with AVCs or APCs, utilising tools like the Mid Life MOT, and explaining how and when retirement benefits are paid.
Specifically designed for members at retirement age with a deferred pension, guiding them through the online retirement process, claiming benefits, and using mypension for access to P60s and payslips.
Geared towards members aged 55+, offering guidance on retirement planning and how to use mypension for running retirement quotes and accessing relevant documents.
Hands-on sessions for retired, active, and deferred members, assisting in account setup, accessing statements, running retirement quotes, view P60’s and payslips (retired members only) and updating details and nominations.
Two virtual sessions on MS Teams with Jenny from the Money and Pension Service who can talk you through how to get the most from your money and pension and the free tools and resources they have to help.